No one talks about the collapse after a meteoric rise.

No one talks about the collapse after a meteoric rise.

No one talks about the collapse after a meteoric rise.

I know you want to scale your fiber business.

You want to take your yarn dyeing to the next level with quarterly and monthly clubs and wholesale to be in yarn stores nationally.

You want to be that go-to designer that all the brands reach out to. You want to be in the books and the latest issues of your favorite publications.

You want to tech edit. You want to be an influencer. You want to grow.

I hear you and I see you.

You want to grow and fast.

With a background in corporate finance working for global organizations and running my own fiber business full-time for over a decade, I’ve seen it all.

I’ve seen the dyer who over-extend and can’t deliver on their promise and end up going out of business leaving a lot of folks out of money and product.

I’ve seen designers burnout from being “prolific”, putting out a new pattern monthly and in every publication, only to one day we all ask “where is (fill-in the blank)?”

Yes, growing and scaling your business is the dream BUT without infrastructure; without systems; without a plan, you will fail.

Look, we see those designers and dyers that quickly rise but we don’t talk about the struggle and eventual fall that happens.

It’s preventable by building block by block.

It’s about starting with a strong foundation. As a child of a builder, I’ve seen my father build houses and like building a business, you start with the foundation of the house. You don’t rush this part because that foundation will hold the entire house (aka your business). You have to let the concrete cure. You have to make sure it’s solid before you add the first floor. And that floor need to be solid before you add on the next floor and so so.

What many business owners miss is the part about making sure each new added part of the business, like each floor of a house, need to be strong enough to support the others to come.

Unfortunately, there are contractors that take shortcut to get done faster. And we know what those shortcuts can do. Just google “Surfside condominium collapse June 2021”.

That’s why I created the Building Block Method to help fiber artists to build a strong and sustainable business.

Set up your fiber business for success, starting with a rock solid foundation.

ROUND UP - Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals

ROUND UP - Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals

Are you still publishing a new pattern a month EVERY SINGLE MONTH?

Are you still publishing a new pattern a month EVERY SINGLE MONTH?