Do you actually make pattern sales with the way you’re posting about your designs on social media?

Do you actually make pattern sales with the way you’re posting about your designs on social media?

Do you actually make pattern sales with the way you’re posting about your designs on social media?

I bet you’re not!

Do you feel like your doing ALL THE THINGS? And still not make any sales?

I’m going to breakdown your posts and explain why you’re wasting your time.

Here’s why:

1️⃣your first post about the pattern “coming soon” is wasted.

✨If that’s all you’re saying, coming soon and something about the construction of the design, people might save it and like it, but they’re not gonna buy.

✨The pictures is cute but you’re missing the benefits in the caption.

👉🏾Dig down and get clear on who is right for your pattern (hint: it’s not every knitter) and show them why they should get this.

👉🏾Also, what’s the call to action? Give them something to do.

2️⃣your next post is about the pattern release is also wasted.

✨You’re missing an opportunity to show your audience why they should get this pattern.

✨Again, articulate the benefits of the pattern and not just the features. How does the pattern fit into the lives of your audience?

What/who will they become when they’re done?

👉🏾Identify who your ideal audience is so you can talk directly to them about why this pattern matters to them.

👉🏾Use different photos. Be dynamic. Tell stories with the images.

3️⃣your 3rd post, which might be the last time you talk about the pattern, because by now you think people are bored seeing your work and hearing about your design.

And it’s a sale post - aka, the last time to get it at this price.

Then you leave social media until your next launch instead of continuing to talk about this pattern.

✨But they are not bored. They haven’t seen it enough with 3-4 posts to be annoyed.

✨You feel like you’ve been talking about it a lot because you’ve been literally thinking about this idea since conception.

✨Your audience has not been thinking about your designs… at all. And that’s why they don’t buy cuz they forget.

✨And in those 3-4 posts, only less than 10% of your audience have had the posts come across their feed.

✨So, your feeling about talking about your design is only that - a feeling.

Here’s the reality

👉🏾Marketing your patterns goes deeper that 3-4 posts on Instagram.

👉🏾It about telling stories. It’s about you audience seeing what is possible. Use examples and testimonials.

👉🏾Use more pictures than just one. Give your audience eye candy.

Sure, your pattern won’t save lives (it might)

.But it provides value, a transformation, to your audience.

They need what you have to offer.

If you’re struggling with identifying your ideal audience so you can speak directly to them and clearly articulate the benefits (and not just the features) of the pattern, you need this course here.

Finally learn what to say to your audience stop generate more sales✨

🚀 [Sangster Unisex Hat] The Wait Is Over: Pattern Launch Day is Here! 🧶✨

🚀 [Sangster Unisex Hat] The Wait Is Over: Pattern Launch Day is Here! 🧶✨

Make money 24/7 selling your existing patterns.

Make money 24/7 selling your existing patterns.