DESIGNERS: You’re leaving money on the table

DESIGNERS: You’re leaving money on the table

You’re leaving money on the table.

When you’re constantly publishing new patterns, you’re missing out on 80% of the market and the bulk of your revenue.

My design students are struggling with
1️⃣ revenue generation and
2️⃣ burnout

For many knit and crochet designers, the natural inclination to generate more sales is to release a new pattern.

Does this sound like you? YES or NO

Instead of launching a whole new design with all the expense that comes with a new pattern, I teach my students about leveraging their existing catalog of pattern.

Look, that pattern from last winter isn’t stale. Put it out there again. Here’s why…

1️⃣There are a lot of people following you who didn’t buy last year when you launched it
2️⃣People didn’t see it because you didn’t talk about it enough but you thought you were annoying
3️⃣There are new people discovering you who haven’t seen that pattern so you are introducing it to a new audience
4️⃣And this is super important, early-adopters buy during the launch and we love those types of buyers.

But there are late-adopters (a larger percentage) who needs time to see something many times, see social proof (testimonials, other versions, etc). And by only trying to reach early adopters, you are missing out on a much larger audience.

So, did I convince you to launch it again? Comment below. Let’s discuss

If you are constantly launching new patterns and only generate sales when you release new pattern, then you need this powerful course, LEVERAGE.

Make money 24/7 with your existing patterns without having to release anything new!

Make money 24/7 selling your existing patterns.

Make money 24/7 selling your existing patterns.

[Sangster Unisex Hat] 📹 Dive Deeper: Unveiling Your Exclusive Pattern Videos! 🧶✨

[Sangster Unisex Hat] 📹 Dive Deeper: Unveiling Your Exclusive Pattern Videos! 🧶✨